How Old And Worn-out Sex Doll Are Disposed

Every new material eventually gets old, just like the sex doll you are about to or have purchased. Disposing of a sex doll is something you are not ready to think about if you newly just purchased it, but eventually, when it gets damaged or old, do you truly know the right method to dispose of it? Sex dolls made of either thermoplastic elastomer or silicone materials are long-lasting, but due to the years of usage, they may develop dents, scars, or tear that might be hard to fix. Or your new partner is not comfortable with a sex doll present in the house. Then, it is time for the disposal of your ever-caring and available sex doll. Although most blogs usually don’t talk about it, today you are going to learn about it.

There are several methods in which you can dispose of any old sex dolls for reasons like boredom, damages, or you want to buy a new one.  The right methods to dispose of a sex doll are;

  • Sell the sex doll:
  • If you are ready to earn a little extra cash after the usage of the sex doll, you should consider this option of selling to someone interested, especially if it is still in a good condition. Nobody will want to buy a damaged or infectious sex doll, so ensure it is properly cleaned and sanitized to avoid transferring of infection to the new buyer. After, take a good picture showing if there’s any little scarring on the doll and upload it on a suitable website to connect with a buyer, negotiate the price and then you can ship via whatever means you’re both comfortable with. These means of disposal allow a used sex doll to make someone else who can’t afford a new one happy. However, this means of disposal is only available for a fairly and neatly used sex doll. If your sex doll is nothing of such you or you are too lazy to go through with the should consider the next option.
  • Recycle the sex doll:
  • Sex dolls are made up of TPE or silicone material which makes them tough and long-lasting. However, after long usage, damages occur to the sex doll. It is preferable to contact a recycling provider service to dispose of it or have it repaired and transformed into a new sex doll. Looking at the amount spent on purchasing a sex doll, especially a custom sex doll, it is a wise decision to consider recycling as a means of disposal. The sex doll can be sold to the manufacturers for recycling and eventually you get a price for it. It can also be purchased by people who engage in recycling services and they would make use of the TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) or silicone material to make a fresh new doll. This recycling process involves cleaning, disinfecting, crushing, melting, and re-building of the old sex doll into something new and useful. If your doll is damaged, you can contact a recycling provider service for this suitable option and earn few extra bucks. If not, you can consider the next option.
  • Dispose of in a trashcan/landfill:
  • This method is the least preferred option and it is considered not suitable for a respected person of the society. This method is rare, but it happens. Especially with damaged sex dolls that can’t be bought by new sex doll lovers. It is good to take proper care of your sex doll and store it in appropriate places in your home, so it doesn’t wear out faster than you imagined. Avoid bathing a sex doll with hot water and this won’t be your portion, but if you’ve already damaged your sex doll and want to get rid of it with this method. You wouldn’t want to get caught in the process and featured in the local news around you. However, if you’re still willing to consider applying this method of disposal, you should try and disassemble the sex doll into different sections to make it a bit easier to carry and dispose of into the trashcan/landfill. To avoid embarrassment, after separating you can cover with garbage bags before disposing into the landfill.

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